I fell off the wagon over Christmas. I didn't run for an entire week and, while I started off tracking my points, once we left town to visit family, all bets were off, and I ate a LOT of crap.
I'm over it and moving on. Yesterday my husband and I took advantage of the nice weather (i.e. it was actually above 40 degrees) and went for a 3.5 mile run. This week I should be starting week 4 of the Half Marathon Training program, which means today is a day of rest. However, I am going to shake things up and go for a run today because the weather is supposed to be super nice out. (50 degree high, here we come!) I'll adjust accordingly. Plus, I didn't really do a long run yesterday so I don't think I actually need a day of rest.
Here's hoping everyone had a great Christmas:
A Wicked Good Time
2 days ago
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